
My experience as an "entrepreneur"

Thoughts from "an experienced entrepreneur" - jk, anything but.

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Shipping - pride and prejudice

How does shipping work? How long does it take to fulfill an order and how long until I receive it? Here's a proud (and hopefully not too prejudiced) attempt to address these questions.

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To custom or not to custom

When I started the business a few months back, I was convinced that I would not do any customer orders. Why? First, it seemed like a nightmare to manage - managing inventory, keeping track of who wants what, being afraid that I will send the wrong item to the wrong person, etc. Why complicate life? Second, I was afraid that I would not like the result. More importantly, that you (the customer) would not like it. I mean, you order something which you have never seen - there is no guarantee that it will work out. Pretty good reasons. I felt...

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